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Team Pensblog members play the game the way hockey is supposed to be played and we have fun while doing so.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sons of Liberty

Here is the much anticipated biography of Sons of Liberty straight from Wikipedia:
The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization of American patriots which originated in the Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolution. British authorities and their supporters known as Loyalists considered the Sons of Liberty as seditious rebels, referring to them as "Sons of Violence" and "Sons of Iniquity." Patriots attacked the apparatus and symbols of British authority and power such as property of the gentry, customs officers, East India Company tea, and as the war approached, vocal supporters of the Crown.

It is also the name of a certain former player of Team Pensblog who, despite not having a mic, proceeded to annoy the man, the legend, Eric P. He is not all bad though. His redeeming qualities are: he's good at pressing a, he's good at being Ovechkin-like without the goalscoring skills or hockey sense. "I only roll with Gangstas and Strippers" which can be considered redeeming if you are a gangsta and/or a stripper. He also enjoys engaging in cannabis consumption on a daily basis. So despite his bad reputation, he deserves some credit for at least being interesting.

What a picture.


Eric P. said...

Hahah nice post Pockets

"How do you play a game?"

"I like Nate Dogg"

Enough said.

Duff said...

RIP: synzovdasun

Meat said...
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Meat said...

Sad I never got to play with this guy.

Kovy said...

Haha, I remember the first time this guy played with us...Eric really wasn't fond of him.

Nonetheless...We tried to get him a goal, like the whole third period. FAILED.


Eric P. said...

Check out this video I found of the man himself

Meat said...

I do remember playing with this guy. He always carried it into the zone by himself.